Camp Pendleton
The Armed Services YMCA Camp Pendleton offers two support programs to bring Holiday Joy to our military families. Both programs provide a means for the local community to show their support and appreciation to those who serve by ensuring that service members in need of extra assistance are able to provide their families with holiday meals and gifts that might otherwise be out of reach.
Operation Ride Home provides financial assistance to active duty junior-enlisted military and their families to travel home for the holidays.
Program is closed for 2024.
The Armed Services YMCA Camp Pendleton Santa’s Workshop program allows parents to pick out toys for their children. In addition to toys other goodies and support are provided to the families.
How does it work? Families are referred to the Armed Services YMCA by their URC/DRC, Family Advocacy, EFMP, or command. Families that are referred have been identified as needing extra help during the holidays.
We begin to accept referrals in November.
Home Hospitality—Adopt-A-Marine for Thanksgiving! Camp Pendleton ASYMCA’s Home Hospitality program places Marines are from the School of Infantry (SOI) into community members’ homes for Thanksgiving dinner with a surrogate family.
Program has been filled for 2024
We help as many enlisted families as possible, but many more will go without. Help us make the holidays brighter for more military families.
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